Vegan Dandelion Honey #dinner #vegan #vegetarian #easy #recipes

Vegan Dandelion Honey #dinner #vegan #vegetarian #easy #recipes

Sweet, runny and blossomy, this dandelion nectar is the ideal honey bee amicable veggie lover substitute for nectar. On the off chance that I hadn't made it myself I wouldn't trust it's not nectar, it tastes and feels like the genuine article!

Dandelions are viewed as weeds in the UK, regularly observed as the enemy to those that need a completely green grass yard. In any case, dandelions have been utilized by people for nourishment for quite a long time and increased in value by numerous societies for their therapeutic advantages.

A dandelion isn't only one plant, yet a few unique types of the class Taraxacum. The most widely recognized are T. officinale and T. erythrospermum and they spread over the world from Europe.

A dandelion is effectively to perceive with it's splendid yellow numerous petaled blossoms. Its leaves structure around the base, and regularly have a toothed leaves. There are a few comparative plants with comparative flowerheads in the daisy family Asteraceae, once in a while known as bogus dandelions, so figure out how to recognize these.

Vegan Dandelion Honey #dinner #vegan #vegetarian #easy #recipes

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  • 2 cups fresh dandelion flowerheads, densely packed
  • 2 slices lemon
  • 1.5 cups water
  • about 1.5 cups organic sugar


  1. Shake or blow the flowers to remove any bugs
  2. Place the water, lemon slices and dandelion flowers in a saucepan
  3. Simmer with a lid on for 15 minutes
  4. Leave this to cool and infuse overnight
  5. The next day, strain out the flowers and lemon by pouring the liquid through a strainer or muslin cloth. Press down to make sure you get all of that dandelion juice out!
  6. Weigh the liquid, and then weigh out the same amount sugar.
  7. Put the liquid back in the pan and add the sugar. Stir and heat gently at first until the sugar is dissolved. Then bring it up to a gentle boil for approximately 15 minutes. See the notes for tips on knowing when it's ready.
  8. Pour into clean sterilised jars and put the lids on while it's still hot
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