MICROWAVE SALTED CARAMEL FUDGE #desserts #cakes #bars #snack #easy

MICROWAVE SALTED CARAMEL FUDGE #desserts #cakes #bars #snack #easy

The most straightforward 5 fixing Microwave Salted Caramel Fudge formula ever!! Very speedy, absolutely tasty and prepared in only 10 minutes.

Microwave fudge plans are the ideal whine free pastry. They're brisk and simple to make and everybody cherishes them! From this delectable Salted Caramel Fudge formula to Chocolate Baileys Fudge, Chocolate Tim Tam Fudge, Rocky Road Fudge or Milo Malted Milk Fudge, there's a microwave fudge formula to suit everybody!

Spot the fixings into a microwave-safe bowl and soften together in the microwave for 8 minutes (take out and mix at regular intervals). The sugar ought to have broken up and the blend be softly rising by the end.

Working rapidly, mix through the white chocolate melts and ocean salt. The warmth of the blend will liquefy the chocolate.

MICROWAVE SALTED CARAMEL FUDGE #desserts #cakes #bars #snack #easy

Also try our recipe : SIMPLE VANILLA COOKIES #desserts #cookies #cakes #bars #pumpkin

Ingredients :

  • 150 g unsalted butter
  • 395 g sweetened condensed milk
  • 500 g brown sugar soft brown sugar (not granulated brown sugar)
  • good pinch of sea salt (plus extra for sprinkling)
  • 250 g white chocolate

Instructions :

Conventional Method

  1. Grease and line a 18X28cm rectangular slice tin with baking paper and set aside. 
  2. Place the butter, condensed milk and brown sugar into a microwave-safe bowl. Melt together in the microwave for 8 minutes (take out and stir every 2 minutes) - see tips below.
  3. Stir through the sea salt and white chocolate melts. 
  4. Pour the fudge into the prepared tin and sprinkle over the extra sea salt. 
  5. Place into the fridge to set for 2 hours before cutting into pieces.

Thermomix Method

  1. Grease and line a 18X28cm rectangular slice tin with baking paper and set aside. 
  2. Break chocolate into pieces and grate on Speed 8, 10 seconds. Set aside.
  3. Place the sweeteend condensed milk, butter and brown sugar into the Thermomix bowl and heat for 5 minutes, 100 degrees, Speed 3.
  4. Add the grated chocolate and heat for 3 minutes, 80 degrees, Speed 4.
  5. Pour the fudge into the prepared tin and sprinkle over the extra sea salt. 
  6. Place into the fridge to set for 2 hours before cutting into pieces.
Source : bit.ly/3hjpeGi

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