Ginger Peach Fizz #drink #ginger #sangria #cocktail #summer

Ginger Peach Fizz  #drink #ginger #sangria #cocktail #summer

This ginger peach bubble is about the most summer in a mixed drink as you can get! Obfuscating peaches and including vodka + soda?! Indeed, it would be ideal if you ???

Presently, by and by, this isn't a formula… . It's a plus or minus whatever sums you need! Truly. This is for the peaches that are acting up, make a bubble!

For me, late spring implies peach season. Peach pie, peach frozen yogurt, peach shoemaker, peaches and cream… .ALL THE PEACHES. <—that connection in that spot is taking it wayyyyyy once upon a time… ..

Believe it or not. This ginger peach bubble mixed drink got served out of a hobnail bricklayer container, with that eco cordial tempered steel straw! You can discover these straws, and everything mixed drink in my Amazon Influencer Store. It's loaded up with everything Sweetpea Lifestyle to kick you off on the sweet life.

Ginger Peach Fizz  #drink #ginger #sangria #cocktail #summer

Also try our recipe : Iced Lavender Latte #drink #cocktail #iced #summer #lavender

Ingredients :

  • 2 peach slices
  • 2 parts vodka
  • 2 parts ginger ale

Instructions :

  1. Take your peach slices (peeled or unpeeled, doesn’t matter!) and muddle in the bottom of a jar.
  2. Add in a handful of ice.
  3. Pour in two counts vodka
  4. Add in two counts ginger ale (or ginger beer would be extra yummy!)
  5. Stir well with a cocktail spoon to combine.
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