Pineapple Mint Smoothie #sangria #cocktail #smoothie #healthydrink #fresh

Pineapple Mint Smoothie #sangria #cocktail #smoothie #healthydrink #fresh

I'm willfully ignorant. Summer can't as of now be reaching a conclusion – can it? Unfortunately, the signs are all over: Vancouver has had seven days significant lot of breezy breezes and deluges, the heater in our home is beginning to kick in, and it's rapidly getting less satisfactory to wear flip slumps all over the place (in spite of the fact that that hasn't halted me yet). On the brilliant side, I realize fall will bring another arrangement of comfortable things – like thick sweaters, tea dates with companions, and a huge amount of fall squash to play with in the kitchen. However, up to that point, I'm not prepared to acknowledge that late spring is reaching a conclusion – not yet at any rate.

At the point when the sky is loaded up with dim mists, I like to discover my daylight elsewhere – and recently that has been thinking back with Anguel about our time in Hawaii. It's our preferred spot on the planet. Which may clarify why we visited Hawaii more than once over the most recent two years. That and money related untrustworthiness, for the sake of some sun.

It's clever in light of the fact that when I recollect our outings to Hawaii, what I recall initially isn't the wonderful climbs or stunning sea shores, but instead the numerous morning meals we appreciated while neglecting the splendid blue sea.

Pineapple Mint Smoothie #sangria #cocktail #smoothie #healthydrink #fresh

Also try our recipe : STRAWBERRY BANANA PIÑA COLADA RECIPE #drink #smoothie #banana #colada #sangria


  • 3 cups fresh pineapple, cubed (~1/2 a pineapple)*
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, loosely packed
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 1 1/2 cups ice


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Add a bit more water if your blender requires. Enjoy immediately.
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