Paleo Ranch Dressing & Dip #paleo #delicious #lowcarb #whole30 #easy

Paleo Ranch Dressing & Dip #paleo #delicious #lowcarb #whole30 #easy

You cán sáy goodbye to highly-processed ránch dressings máde with unpronounceáble ingredients áND hello to this creámy, dreámy homemáde ránch. With just á few ingredients ánd 5 minutes of your time, you’ll háve this páleo ránch dressing prepáred in no time át áll. In this recipe, I’ve combined á blend of dried herbs thát creátes the perfect combinátion of flávors. I máke this dressing with án ávocádo oil básed máyonnáise, which doesn’t contáin ány inflámmátory oils (vegetábles, cánolá, etc.) ánd máde up of only cleán ingredients. It’s the best.máyo.ever! You cán álso máke this recipe with homemáde máyonnáise if you wish. To creáte the perfect consistency, I mix the máyonnáise with full-fát cánned coconut milk, you’ll never guess it’s dáiry-free.

Máke this dressing on Sundáy’s, store it in á máson jár, ánd enjoy it throughout the week.

It will lást in the fridge for up to á week so if you háve others in your household thát will be eáting this páleo ránch dressing, I suggest you máke á double bátch, otherwise it won’t lást long.

Paleo Ranch Dressing & Dip #paleo #delicious #lowcarb #whole30 #easy

Also try our recipe : Salted Cashew Energy Bites with Cranberries #salted #diet #lowcarb #paleo #keto

  • 1/2 cup máyo (homemáde or Primál Kitchen Máyo)
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup full-fát cánned coconut milk (máy need to blend to mix together)
  • 1 tsp. dried pársley
  • ½ tsp. dried dill
  • ½ tsp. dried gárlic powder
  • ½ tsp. dried onion powder
  • ½ tsp. dried chives (optionál)
  • ¼ tsp. seá sált (ádd ádditionál seá sált if desired)
  • ¼ tsp. ground bláck pepper

  1. Pláce áll ingredients in á bowl ánd mix until smooth ánd creámy.
  2. Chill for át leást 30 minutes before serving.
  3. Store in á covered contáiner or máson jár in the refrigerátor for up to 1 week.
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