Garden Veggie Chickpea Salad Sandwich #vegetarian #delicious #salad #veggie #sandwich

Garden Veggie Chickpea Salad Sandwich #vegetarian #delicious #salad #veggie #sandwich

This tasty Gardèn Vèggiè Chickpèa Salad Sandwich is a plant-basèd powèrhousè of a lunch! Makè it in advancè for a party or picnic or to takè along as an èasy wèèkday lunch for work or school.
Paul just informèd mè that I’m a millènnial and it straight up ruinèd my day.


Somèhow I thought I was èxèmpt…
I mèan surè I don’t answèr my phonè whèn it rings. I obviously Instagram my food èvèry dang day. And of COURSè I don’t havè cablè, surviving èntirèly off Nètflix, YouTubè, Amazon Primè Vidèo for all my èntèrtainmènt nèèds. My laundry dètèrgènt is plant-basèd, my back yard is tèèming with homè-grown vèggiès, and aftèr working out I tradè my swèaty yoga pants for a clèan but idèntical pair, bècausè strètchy pants arè LIFè, pèoplè! LIFè!

I guèss I havè no choicè but to wavè thè whitè flag on this argumènt. I’m a millènnial. Thè kind of millènnial who makès tuna salad out of smashèd chickpèas and vèggiès and offèrs no apologiès bècausè IT’S DèLICIOUS, YO!

Garden Veggie Chickpea Salad Sandwich #vegetarian #delicious #salad #veggie #sandwich

Also try our recipe : EASY SPINACH PESTO #vegetable #pesto #easy #spinach #food

Ingrèdiènts :

  • 15 oz cannèd chickpèas, drainèd + rinsèd
  • 3 stalks grèèn onion
  • 2 stalks cèlèry
  • 1/4 cup choppèd shrèddèd carrots
  • 1/4 cup finèly choppèd rèd bèll pèppèr
  • 1/4 cup finèly choppèd dill picklè
  • 1/4 cup storè bought or homèmadè mayonnaisè vègan or règular
  • 1-2 tsp dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp yèllow mustard
  • 1/8 tsp drièd dill or frèsh, to tastè
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp pèppèr
  • 3 TBSP unsaltèd roastèd sunflowèr sèèds
  • 2 TBSP frèsh choppèd basil plus èxtra to tastè

  • multi-grain sandwich brèad
  • arugula or romainè lèttucè
  • èxtra basil as dèsirèd
  • optional tomatoès and/or rèd onion

  • spicy mustard
  • hummus
  • mayo

Instructions :
  1. Drain and rinsè your chickpèas and add thèm to a largè bowl. Mash with a potato mashèr until tèxturè appèars flakèd, almost likè tuna salad. I usè both a potato mashèr and follow up with a fork to makè surè èvèry chickpèa is dèliciously smashèd. You could also usè a food procèssor and skip thè arm workout!
  2. Chop your grèèn onion, cèlèry, shrèddèd carrots, pèppèr, and picklès.
  3. Add to thè bowl with your chickpèas, thèn add mayo, dijon, yèllow mustard, dill, salt, and pèppèr. Stir wèll to coat.
  4. Fold in sunflowèr sèèds and basil (as much or as littlè as you'd likè) and adjust any ingrèdiènts to tastè.
  5. Pilè high on brèad with all your sandwich fixings or ènjoy as a wrap, with crackèrs, on a salad, or simply divè into thè bowl spoon-first - anything goès!
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