Easy Custard Pudding Recipe #diet #paleo #glutenfree #pudding #easy

Easy Custard Pudding Recipe #diet #paleo #glutenfree #pudding #easy

It will be a decent warm end of the week and my lady friends are coming over for some evening tea! We are altogether moms so we required a lot of hallowed time to simply be young ladies and talk about parenthood.

I felt that it'll be an extraordinary thought to serve some hand crafted custard pudding to go with tea and espresso. All things considered, these puddings have been my go-to dessert at family get-togethers and for gifting!

Custard pudding is like custard in which they are both made by mixing egg and milk. Like custard, custard pudding is likewise presented with delicate caramel garnish.

In contrast to custard, custard pudding is lighter and vaporous in surface. It is generally less sweet and has a less sumptuous flavor than custard.

Because of its high dietary benefit, custard pudding is a stable in kids-accommodating plans. This was additionally one of the "sheltered nourishments" I ate oftentimes when I was having morning ailment from being pregnant.

Easy Custard Pudding Recipe #diet #paleo #glutenfree #pudding #easy

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  • Caramel sauce
  • 60g sugar (4.80 tablespoons)
  • 15ml water (1 tablespoon)
  • 30ml hot water (2 tablespoons)
  • Custard pudding
  • 3 eggs
  • 90g sugar (0.5 cups)
  • 400ml milk (1.7 cups)


How to make the caramel sauce

  1. Add the sugar and 15ml room temperature water to a small pan. Cook under low heat. DO NOT STIR! Just let the sugar melt to amber or light brown color, about 4 minutes.
  2. Immediately remove from heat. Note: Do not overcook. The caramel will taste bitter if it is overcooked!
  3. Slowly add the 30ml hot water (I just microwave the water in a cup😉). Be careful when adding the hot water. The caramel will splatter!
  4. Slowly pour the caramel into desired containers.

How to make the custard pudding

  1. Warm the milk in the microwave or on stovetop. Let chill a bit.
  2. Beat the eggs, about 3 minutes, and then add the sugar. Continue beating for another minute.
  3. Continue mixing and add the warm milk slowly into the egg mixture. Make sure that the milk is not burning hot or else it will solidify the egg mixture!
  4. Sieve the egg mixture with a fine-mesh strainer. To make extra smooth custard pudding, you can sieve the egg mixture twice!
  5. Slowly pour the egg mixture to the container and be careful to not disturb the caramel that’s already on the bottom of the container.
Source : bit.ly/2WoCG3y

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