Best Marshmallow Butterbeer Latte For Harry Potter Fans #drink #party #latte #chocolate #summer

Best Marshmallow Butterbeer Latte For Harry Potter Fans #drink #party #latte #chocolate #summer

We have the best butterbeer latte for you all today since Bangalore is back. It's cold, and blustery, and cloudy and that is exactly how Bangalore used to be… consistently. However, of late, we've been impacted with a warmth wave even in the center of winter, yet I can securely say that we are over it. It's at last the Bangalore winter we know and I'm staying here on the supper table, all warm and comfortable in a hoodie tasting on the best Harry Potter Butterbeer Latte that I can hardly wait to impart to you parents.

I needed to post this formula a weekend ago however it got somewhat insane, and I've at long last had the opportunity to truly plunk down and visit with you all. We are not terrible, but not great either near the year's end and I'm beginning to truly feel the Christmas season coming up. Christmas, weddings, moves and New Years – it's my preferred time and I can hardly wait for the franticness to begin this year.

I know this Butterbeer Latte will be our beverage this year, alongside some Orange Cinnamon Whisky Smash in the event that you need something increasingly grown-up. Orrrrrrrr we could simply include a scramble of bourbon or baileys to our own special custom made butterbeer latte for that ideal after supper espresso. Or on the other hand before supper. Or then again like early afternoon. Or on the other hand morning. It's purrffeeeect folks and I can hardly wait for you to attempt it. Unmistakably!

Best Marshmallow Butterbeer Latte For Harry Potter Fans #drink #party #latte #chocolate #summer

Also try our recipe : RASPBERRY MOJITO COCKTAIL #drink #cocktail #mojito #raspberry #sangria


  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder
  • A pinch of Nutmeg
  • 1 shot Espresso (or 1 tablespoon Instant Coffee Powder)
  • Whipped Cream and Toasted Marshmallows for topping


  1. On a medium flame, heat sugar and butter in a pan, stirring occasionally making sure not to burn the sugar.
  2. Once it starts bubbling, add milk and stir well till the sugar dissolves and everything is mixed well. Add the vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg and bring it to a boil. Simmer for a minute and add the espresso or instant coffee powder (whatever you are using) and mix well. Switch off the flame.
  3. Use a milk frother or hand blender to froth up the latte, or put it into a blender and pulse a few times. Pour into coffee mugs, top with whipped cream and toasted marshmallows and serve immediately.
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