Air Fryer Green Bean Fries #dinner #shrimp #noodle #food #recipes

Air Fryer Green Bean Fries #dinner #shrimp #noodle #food #recipes

On the off chance that you've evaluated my plans for Air Fryer Roasted Asparagus, Air Fryer Asparagus Fries, or Air Fryer Crispy Parmesan Brussels Sprouts, at that point you realize that I love the Air Fryer, and that you needn't bother with oil or a long cook time to make a scrumptious solid tidbit or side dish. This green bean fries formula is so quick and simple that you'll need to make them constantly!

Making these Air Fryer Green Bean fries couldn't be simpler! They meet up in the blink of an eye, without digging in flour (hi, simple!), and cook in under 10 minutes! The green beans remain delicate and not saturated, yet have a delectable fresh covering outwardly! Sound and significantly scrumptious much like Air Fryer Roasted Broccoli, or Air Fryer Avocado Fries.

You do require an Air Fryer (see underneath for suggestions) to make these in just 7 minutes, yet you could likewise heat them. See underneath for headings on that.

Air Fryer Green Bean Fries #dinner #shrimp #noodle #food #recipes

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Ingredients :

  • About 25 fresh green beans rinsed and dried
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/4 cup panko breadcrumbs (Japanese style breadcrumbs)
  • 1/4 cup regular whole wheat breadcrumbs
  • 2 TBS grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 TBS garlic powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper

Instructions :

  1. Prep the green beans: rinse and dry them thoroughly. Cut off any funky looking ends.
  2. Add egg and egg white to one shallow bowl; whisk for 30 seconds to completely combine. Set aside.
  3. In another shallow bowl, add panko, breadcrumbs, garlic powder, cheese, salt, and pepper; stir to mix well and set aside. 
  4. Make an assembly line with the green beans, then egg dip, then breadcrumb mixture setup side by side. 
  5. Taking a handful of green beans at a time, drop them into the egg, and toss around until coated. Using tongs, lift a few of the green beans out, let them drip a bit, then place into the breadcrumb coating mixture. Shake the green beans around until the are fully coated with crumbs.
  6. Place them side by side with a little space in the air fryer, then repeat coating for the rest of the green beans, and set into air fryer.
  7. Set the Air Fryer for 5 minutes and 400 degrees. When 5 minutes is up, carefully toss the green beans around, flipping if needed, then cook for 2 more minutes. Remove with tongs and serve immediately with your favorite dipping sauce!
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