4 INGREDIENT SNICKERS NICE CREAM #vegetarian #4ingredients #food #easy #recipes

4 INGREDIENT SNICKERS NICE CREAM #vegetarian #4ingredients #food #easy #recipes

Delightfully solid 4 Ingredient Snickers Nice Cream is veggie lover, sans dairy and refined without sugar. This chocolate nutty spread solidified treat is ideal for a simple pastry or even breakfast on a blistering summer's day. You will cherish this sound dessert elective!

I'm one of those individuals who is generally doubtful when in comes to solid variants of darling nourishments. Cauliflower rice? Can't stand it. Cauliflower pizza base? Blurgh, not this time. Cauliflower frozen yogurt? Simply KIDDING… That doesn't exist (yet). Be that as it may, you get my substance.

Doubter or not, I by and large test these trends at any rate once, assuming just so I can grumble about it with some power!

In any case, decent cream? Gracious that is an entire diverse game. I think I really *prefer* it over ordinary frozen yogurt. Furthermore, that is stating something considering I'm so dependent on frozen yogurt I made an exceptional outing to the Ben and Jerry's manufacturing plant when I was in Vermont two years back.

4 INGREDIENT SNICKERS NICE CREAM #vegetarian #4ingredients #food #easy #recipes

Also try our recipe : THE BEST TACO DIP RECIPE #taco #dip #vegetarian #yummy #dip


  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1/2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 4 tbsp almond milk, can sub for your choice of milk


  • crushed peanuts
  • banana slices
  • chocolate chips


  1. Blend all ingredients together in a high performance blender or food processor until well combined and consistency is similar to soft serve.  Pour into a bowl and serve with your choice of toppings, or as is! 
Source : bit.ly/2HA6H8m

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